A.D.E.L. – Association for Development, Education and Labour
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Good practice manual of EWoS 2015 and 2016
How to be active everyday for kids
How to be active everyday for youth
How to be active everyday in school
How to be active everyday for working people
How to be active everyday for active aging people
How to be active everyday in the city
How to be active everyday in small village
EES konferencia
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Book of abstracts
#EU Mindennapi Sporthírek
#BeActive Tippek és Trükkök
Sport projekt inspiráció
#BeActive Shared Space
A projektben résztvevők
#GGS szellemi termékek
#GoodGovernanceSport Hírek
4 Simple Stretches to Help Alleviate Back Pain (Video)
Back pain is often a result of the aging process for many people, but there are steps you can take to keep your back strong and healthy. Try these four back stretches at home:
Lie on your stomach on a flat surface and raise both your arms and your legs at the same time as though you are flying. Hold the position for five seconds. Then repeat 10 times. This helps strengthen your lower back.
Back Extension Stretch:
Lie on your stomach. Use your arms to push your upper body off the floor. Hold for five seconds. Let your back relax and sag. Repeat 10 times.
Lie on your back with both legs straight. Bring one knee up to your chest, pressing the small of your back into the floor (see pelvic tilt). Hold for five seconds and repeat five times. Repeat exercise with the other leg.
Abdominal Bracing:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. In this relaxed position, the small of your back will not touch the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles so that the small of your back presses flat against the floor. Hold for five seconds, then relax. Repeat three times and gradually build to 10 repetitions.
Watch this video to see a demonstration: